Trent N. Ford
Systems and Software Design Developer+
I am a Systems and Software Design Developer in Huntsville, AL. I also do web development, graphic design, and UI/UX design.
I’m Trent Ford, and creating things, both physical and digital, and then learning how to improve for the next time is my passion. I love taking an idea and turning it into something that is functional and usable while still having an appropriate aesthetic for its niche.
Master's GPA
Developer Years Exp.
Team Exp.

I have experience working in-person and remotely on a team in a professional capacity. I also have experience working (mostly) solo on my graduate research and on completely solo on personal projects.

Hexagon PPM – Senior Software Developer – Feb. 2019 to Feb. 2021

Fairwind Corp. / RGNext / RTS Operations Center – Senior Software Developer – May 2022 to Present


Full Resume

M.S. Computer Systems and Software Design.

CompTIA Security+ – Aug. 2022;
Fund. of Red Hat Ent. Linux – Apr. 2022;
Foundations of UX Design Mar. – 2022;
Graphic Design Specialization – Mar. 2022;
HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers – Dec. 2021, Coursera;
JavaScript Algo. and Data Struct. Dev. Cert. – Oct. 2018; FreeCodeCamp

Research Publications – April 2021, March 2022

(Looking For Group)
When I consider a company, the primary item I am looking for is somewhere that I can feel I am contributing to what is being created, that I feel valued, and for me to get to see what I am building/working on. My next consideration is maintaining a good work/life balance.