
Jacksonville State University, Jacksonville, AL
Master of Science
Computer Systems and Software Design
Information Security and Assurance
December 10, 2021
Jacksonville State University, Jacksonville, AL
Bachelor of Science
Computer Science
Overall GPA:
Minor GPA:
April 29, 2016
Elite Honors Scholar Graduate, Honors Program Graduate

Selected Skills

C, C#, C++, CSS, Git, HTML / HTML5, Java, Javascript, Python, SQL
Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere,
Aseprite, GIMP, Godot (open source game engine), Procreate (iPadOS version), Visual Studio
Scrum (Agile Methodology)

Experience - Computer Science

Fairwind Corp. / RGNext / RTS Operations Center - Senior Software Developer - May 2022 to Present
  • Work as a member of a waterfall development team.
  • Support missions.
  • Maintain, support, and troubleshoot software related to optics sites.
  • Analyze, improve, and modernize documentation and manuals.
  • Primarily use C and C++ for coding, with Java and Python in some components and systems.
  • Subcontractor (Fairwind Corp.) to prime contractor (RGNext) for the RTS Operations Center in Huntsville, AL. Supports Reagan Test Site - Kwajalein, RMI
Hexagon PPM – Senior Software Developer – Feb. 2019 to Feb. 2021
  • Worked as a member of an agile development team (used Scrum).
  • Designed, implemented, enhanced, and maintained functionality for SmartPlant 3D products.
  • Performed and wrote production code, unit tests, automated tests, and code reviews.
  • Collaborated with other scrum teams to promote cohesive code integration.
  • Worked in multiple environments including co-located on-site and fully remote, depending on environmental factors.
  • Contributed to planning Hexagon PPM’s first global hackathon.
  • Primarily used C# and C++ for coding.
  • Used TFS in Visual Studio for version control and check-out, code reviews, and check-in of files.
  • SmartPlant 3D products worked with Oracle and Microsoft Server SQL databases (only one at a time), so sometimes debugging involved interrogating the database.
Research Publications
  • Trent N. Ford, Eric Gamess and Christopher Ogden. 2022. Performance Evaluation of Different Raspberry Pi Models as MQTT servers and Clients. In International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications, Vol. 14, No. 2, March 2022. 18 pages.
  • Eric Gamess, Trent N. Ford, and Monica Trifas. 2021. Performance Evaluation of a Widely Used Implementation of the MQTT Protocol with Large Payloads in Normal Operation and under a DoS Attack. In 2021 ACM Southeast Conference (ACMSE 2021), April 15-17, 2021, Virtual Event, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 9 pages.

Professional Training

Graduate Coursework (2018-2021)

  • Research: MQTT and Internet of Things (IoT)
    • Benchmarking Performance - Used Mosquitto and Paho libraries to test build different versions of the benchmark using C. Development primarily on Linux.
  • Embedded and Real-Time Software Development
  • Wireless Networking & Security
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Distributed Computing Systems
  • Applied Software Engineering II
  • Advanced Computer Security
  • Applied Software Engineering I
  • Database Management Systems

Undergraduate Coursework (2012-2016, 2018)

At Jacksonville State University, the undergraduate computer science classes primarily used Java. I received a minor in computer science. At JSU, the computer science minor is most core classes required for computer science majors. The one core difference was Computer Networking, which I took in 2018 prior to starting my graduate coursework. My undergraduate level courses are:
  • Computer Networking
  • Database Systems
  • Software Engineering I
  • Fundamentals of Computer Operating Systems
  • Honors Computer Organization and Architecture
  • Computer Programming II
  • Computer Programming I
  • Fundamentals of Computing

Additional History

  • I am familiar with Git and use GitHub personally (some projects are set to private) and GitLab with RTS Operations Center. Here is my GitHub link:
  • During my undergraduate degree (2012-2016), I was part of the Student Government Association Senate. To do this job effectively (and to be elected), I communicated with other JSU Senators and the student body to advocate to the administration on behalf of the students. I also helped run events for students. In addition, I was an Elite Honors Scholar with the JSU Honors program which required a certain GPA as well as work on various service projects.
  • I have experience working on a software development team at Hexagon PPM and RTS Operations Center and performing solo work through my graduate research. I can work in either environment equally well. Before Covid, I worked in an office bay with my team at the Hexagon PPM Headquarters. After Covid (around March 2020), I worked at home and did everything remotely. At RTS Operations Center, I share an office with a coworker and generally work in-person.
  • I have used multiple IDEs, with the most experience with Visual Studio. I have also used NetBeans and Eclipse.
  • As noted in the Hexagon PPM section, the software used a relational database to store information, so I am familiar with them and how to use SQL to investigate databases.
  • Exposure to Azure DevOps through Hexagon PPM.
  • Additional exposure in graduate school and/or personal projects: AMQP, ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET, Angular, AngularJS, CoAP, Conceptual Framework, DDS, Entity Framework, FTP, jQuery, IP, IoT 5-layer Architecture, IoT 3-layer architecture, Lua, Model-View-Controller Framework, Node.js, Open Data Protocol, React, REST APIs, Single Page Apps, TCP, Typescript, UDP, VS Code, Web Forms.

Experience - Other

Ford Service Company – Technician – 2012 to 2018
  • Performed a variety of jobs including website building, bookkeeping, construction, remodeling, maintenance, employee management, and manual labor.
  • Responsibilities have ranged from being an assistant to crew leader to technical support.
Research – Research Assistant to Dr. Donna Perygin – Jan. 2015 to April 2016
  • We modeled ortho-phthalate esters in PPAR-gamma. This model was then used for the study of ortho-phthalate plasticizers in order to develop a screening tool for the discovery of new, potentially non-toxic plasticizers.
  • Banned ortho-phthalates were tested for toxicity and we found that increasing alkyl chain length increases toxicity of the plasticizer from di-ethyl through di-n-propyl phthalate.
  • We developed a new laboratory experiment which allowed students to develop a pharmacophore from known neurotransmitters. Students then use their newly developed pharmacophore to perform a search for new potential candidates in the NCI database.