Front End Development Showcase

[Work in progress]

Here are some web pages I developed as part of different projects or skill tests. For these I did not do the design, but I did the implementation.

Graphics Heavy Mountain Page

Click Here or on the picture to see the webpage.

This project was created based off a Photoshop document that was provided by Coalition Technologies. An export of the Photoshop file is pictured next for reference. I do not claim copyright to the images, but the implementation is mine. Images used were extracted from the provided Photoshop file.

Note: The 02. titles "Team" and "Climb" are not the same, but that is how the file was provided. Since they share the same number, the link/anchor for them is connected. In a real world or business situation I would contact the designer to verify which is correct.

Standard Business Contact Us Page

Click Here or on the picture to see the webpage.

This project was created based off a Photoshop document that was provided by Coalition Technologies. An export of the Photoshop file is pictured next for reference. I do not claim copyright to the images, but the implementation is mine. Images used were extracted from the provided Photoshop file.